Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ray's & NYC

Also - don't read Whitman til you've been in NYC for awhile (even if only a coupla weeks.) I remember that hitting me in the noggin back in 1998. - sexy, sexy XMASTIME
It looks like The Original Ray's Pizza is closing down.  Or not closing down.  Nobody seems to fucking know.

But I do know that Ray's is one of those things about NYC you'd never "get" unless you lived here, and is included of about a million things about Seinfeld I never got until I lived here.
JERRY: What's around you?
KRAMER: I'm lookin' at Ray's Pizza. You know where that is?
JERRY: Is it Famous Ray's?
KRAMER: No. It's Original Ray's.
JERRY: Famous Original Ray's?
KRAMER: It's just Original, Jerry!
JERRY: Well, what street are you on?
KRAMER: Hey, I'm on first and first. How can the same street intersect with itself? I must be at the nexus of the universe.
On a side note, what the fuck is up with those pigeons?  How lucky are these fuckers - an entire fucking pizza? Where do these fuckers live?

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