Thursday, April 17, 2014

Hipster Awesome du Jour

22 Foods Hipsters need to calm the fuck down about.

I was just saying this exact same thing the other day to someone in my office:
You can like bacon, but you can't own bacon. You have to recognize that the WHOLE WORLD likes bacon too. Liking bacon does not make you tough, nor does it make you special.
And I wrote about hipsters and PBR years ago, back when I gave a good goddam about trying to entertain you people:
Hipsters like to be seen drinking "real", "dive bar" beer. Pabst in particular has made millions over the past few years from hipsters preening around nursing sips out of a PBR can while trying to explain to you that Fleetwood Mac sucked after Lindsey Buckingham joined the band; before then they were "real."

My question is, how long til bars figure out the next step for the hipsters to take towrds "realness" and start selling beer in papar bags? Ooooooooh, you look a beer-swilling bum; SOOOO real!!

PREDICTION: Within 12 months there will be bars that offer a section with paper bag beer, wherein you can buy some cardboard, make up a "I'm Homeless" sign, and sit against a wall looking gaunt with all your other "dirty" friends. 

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