Thursday, September 18, 2014

Guys On Film, WTF!??!

I'm watching "Brother Outsider: Life of Bayard Rustin", and one of the first things they show is some film of him playing high school football. What? He was born in 1912 - meaning that AT THE LATEST, his senior season woulda been 1929. And there's footage of him playing!!!! I played 60 years later, and I promise there's no fucking footage of me floating around there. 1929. Good lord. Who was filming this shit? Who could've had that equipment - was Elia Kazaan hanging around black high school football games?
But this always drives me crazy. There's always some bio about a dude or a family, and the first thing they always talk about is how poor they were. "We had to eat the cat for lunch and then throw him up to eat him again for dinner, boy we were poor." And then they cut away to home movies. How did this happen? Hey, maybe if Pops hadn't dropped $34,000 to buy the camera from NASA, you could leave the cat alone. There are no such films of me growing up; hell I didn't know ANYbody who had any sort of movie camera back then. Any biopic of me will hafta start in like 2008, now that digital video cameras come free with two boxtops of Tide. The previous years will hafta be claymation dhiaramas I guess. - XMASTIME
I'm thinking the exact same thing as I'm re-watching The Roosevelts on PBS - I mean, wtf?!??!! Who in 1898 was filming Teddy Roosevelt?

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