Monday, October 05, 2015

In America, Cont. Again.

Yesterday HERE I opined, as much as someone like me can opine, this:
t some point we have to wonder if this is yet another racist dog whistle that we’re all inured to, “The fabric of our culture” being a percentage of white males who like being white males & staying in power. 
Today a writer over at Salon said kind of the same thing: 
For conservatives, hanging onto guns is a way to symbolically hang onto the cultural dominance they feel slipping from their hands.
I've also been arguing on the sidelines that the total removal of guns has no opportunity cost since they serve one purpose and one purpose only, killing. Which the Salon guys agrees with:
The point of this rhetoric is to distract from the fact that guns were invented for the sole purpose of killing. Instead, Huckabee is invoking the framework where  the gun is actually a symbol of all that conservatives hold dear instead of what they really are, which is weapons that have no use outside of being weapons.

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