Wednesday, February 22, 2006

A Modest Proposal by a Simple, Small Man

This whole turning a chunk of our "homeland security" over to terrorists is pretty baffling to me; although not really when you see the history of hubris this administration has had for 5 years, along with the incredible capacity for the rest of us to open our mouths wide and accept however much shit they wanna cram down our throats. "Being lied to about going to war? Paying $3/gallon for gas while the oil companies report record profits? PLEASE SIR, MAY I HAVE ANOTHER??!?!!"

Seems to me, there are a LOT of unemployed people in this country. Maybe, instead of handing over $7B to another country, never mind one that might have a personal stake in blowing us up, we can take that huge wad of dough and put our unemployed peeps to work doing the job. Instead of forking $7B over to some country so that it can come right back into Dubya's pockets so that he can afford flights to Saudi Arabia to blow all those guys, maybe we can give a huge chunk of the American unemployed jobs and therefore, money to be put back into our economy. And dont tell me that its a complicated job - if we dont mind spending $300B to train Iraqis to...well, be Iraqis, then we can sure surely fucking train people to look through boxes. And dont tell me gee, it will take a long time to train them, cause for the last 5 years we've only peeped into 5% of the containers anyways, so don't act like we're gonna pretend to fucking check every container by Friday.

A simple solution. We've fucking outsourced everything else, let's use this opportunity to give some jobs in-house for once. Otherwise, let's not pretend to be fucking shocked when the next port gets blown up, let's not pretend to be outraged, we need only to shrug our shoulders and not give a shit cause it'll be EXACLTY what we asked for.

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