Monday, March 13, 2006

I'm Back!!

Many thanks to Rrthur for filling in while I was out - he was great, I'm sure we have'nt heard the last from him. But the party's over people!!!! I'm here to stay!!!


  1. "Xmastime was COMPLETELY outta hand, man..."

  2. Anonymous6:10 PM

    The Champ lives again...


  3. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Thank god your back. I thought you may have got lost.

  4. I was so excited to have you back and this is all you give me?? Xmastime, where have you been? Where is all the glory, adventure, and conquest? Your people want to know! You know, we all live vicariously through your trite stories, Paddy Mac, the bears, and that our politics would be nothing without your peppery wit. Fill us in!
