Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I Still Love Donna

Last night I was hanging out with my buddy Ryan, and he called up on his ITunes an ep I had made about 10 years back. I hadn't heard it in forever and we immediately were rocking out to it, loving it, but then I quickly became ashamed of how low-quality it was; both the sound itself and my awful singing/playing etc. Started railing about what "crap" it was, etc etc. This in turn became MORE shame as I realized, who the fuck do i think I am? I remember how thrilled I was when we cut those songs, how proud I was of them, and now I'm Mr. Record Snob? got me thinking...we all have songs that we love now that we used to hate and vice versa. what's more important, that a song stands the test of time, both in the song itself and the quality of the recording, or that initial burst, the very first time you heard it - that rush of excitement that can never be replicated? Bad quality, mistakes and all, thrown into one big, awesome punch to the gut.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:28 PM

    that's zactly how I feel about my Bobby Goldsboro "Honey" 45....

    But I srill love it.
