Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Who's the Wizard Behind this One?

...and now I saw something even dumber. Some cable package commercial. Two hockey fanatics tailgating, bragging about how they're not like just any ol fans; they go to EVERY game. Go to every game, paint their faces, drink beer etc. Til one of them hears mention of said cable package and realizes WOW! they could watch the games at home, on tv!! Ends with them scrambling back into car, presumably to speed home so they can order the cable package.

What? I mean, if they COULD go to every fucking game, why wouldn't they? Why would sitting at home in your tighty-whities in a pile of Cheetos dust trump actually going to the game? If I COULD go to 162 Yankees games this year, I would. I don't pass up going out to fuck Jessica Alba so that I can stay home and jerk off to Highlights magazine, do I? what the fuck.

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