Sunday, March 04, 2007

More 'n all This

I’m getting tired of hearing the “we need to fight them there so they won’t fight us here!” bullshit. First of, cause it’s same ol same ol “lets scare our subjects into succumbing” rhetoric kings used for centuries. Second of all, hey guess what – fucked up shit happens here all the time. Yes, there is a chance that you can be standing in line at A&P and some lunatic comes in and shoots the place up. And GUESS WHAT? If you make it so that the very people that DO make up your own country get shit upon and lose their jobs/have no insurance/see the rich getting richer while they get poorer, THESE are the people “over here” that are overcome with desperation and anger, THESE are the people that snap. Fucking christ. But no. We must pour billions into “fighting terrorism” while turning our backs on the people we purport to protect. And yes, “Purport to Protect” is my upcoming boy-band name. Let the police and CIA/FBI worry about terrorism; the chances of being killed by a terrorist are so far down on the fucking list that the ratio of money to dead bodies is...well....lets see....the war up to this second has cost over $405,000,000,000. Hmm. Let’s see...3,000 peeps dead at the WTC. 3,000 soldiers killed. That’s....$75,000,000 per body. Are we spending that much to cure cancer? Nope!! Are we spending that much on heart disease? Nope! But guess what you’re gonna die of? Cancer! Heart disease! Car crash!

I must've read the wrong Bible (this IS this adminstration's playbook, no?) I could swear one of Jesus' reason d'etre was healing disease, not "spreading democracy." Hmm. It's a mystery!

$450B. On fear, politics and lying.

Instead, we could have paid for 3,704,566 children to attend a year of Head Start.
Instead, we could have insured 242,796,136 children for one year.
Instead, we could have provided 19,656,272 students four-year scholarships at public universities.
Instead, we could have built 3,650,873 additional housing units.
Instead, we could have hired 7,026,838 additional public school teachers for one year.

$450B? Let’s put it into perspective:

• $19 billion is the annual shortfall to eliminate starvation and malnutrition globally.
• $12 billion is the annual shortfall to provide education for every kid on earth.
• $15 billion is the annual shortfall to provide access to water and sanitation.
• $23 billion is the annual shortfall to reverse the spread of AIDS and Malaria.

Eliminate starvaton worldwide? No thanks! Educate EVERY kid on the planet? Nope!! etc, etc, all because we need to...say it with me...”fight them over there so they won’t fight us here” nonsense...christ. Meanwhile, keep going in the direction we’re going? Keep oppressing OURSELVES so that eventually even the Muslims wouldn’t be jealous of our “freedoms” and “material riches”? Why would they - we’ll have none. No, keep it up and it’s not the terrorist you have to worry about shooting you at K-Mart, it’s this guy:

"Well they closed down the auto plant in Mahwah late that month
Ralph went out lookin' for a job but he couldn't find none
He came home too drunk from mixin'Tanqueray and wine
He got a gun shot a night clerk now they call'm Johnny 99

Down in the part of town where when you hit a red light you don't stop
Johnny's wavin' his gun around and threatenin' to blow his top
When an off duty cop snuck up on him from behind
Out in front of the Club Tip Top they slapped the cuffs on Johnny 99

Well the city supplied a public defender but the judge was Mean John Brown
He came into the courtroom and stared young Johnny down
Well the evidence is clear gonna let the sentence son fit the crime
Prison for 98 and a year and we'll call it even Johnny 99

A fistfight broke out in the courtroom they had to drag Johnny's girl away
His mama stood up and shouted "Judge don't take my boy this way"
Well son you got a statement you'd like to make
Before the bailiff comes to forever take you away

Now judge judge I had debts no honest man could pay
The bank was holdin' my mortgage and they was takin' my house away
Now I ain't sayin' that makes me an innocent man
But it was more 'n all this that put that gun in my hand

Well your honor I do believe I'd be better off dead
And if you can take a man's life for the thoughts that's in his head
Then won't you sit back in that chair and think it over judge one more time
And let 'em shave off my hair and put me on that execution line

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:56 PM

    the chances of being killed by a terrorist are steadily climbing. they are not looking to knock off just a few here and there. They are going to wipe out Masses. And I don't mean in church. Although it could happen there too....but let's not fret about it.
