Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Guess Which Finger I'm Holding Up, Bill

The last coupla times I've flipped on to catch my future best friend Bill O'Reilly on his show, he's been in the midst of a heavy, serious segment with.....a body language expert. What? That's right. After an interview, this chicks comes in and lets us know what they REALLY meant by their body language. What the fuck...why not a palm reader? Maybe Bill can tell us how to end the war with some tarot cards? Or how about wasting more important time, maybe have some world leaders come on and try to guess how many fingers you're holding up behind your back?

Fucking idiot. The war, the administration, Walter Reed, global warming? nah nah; let's get that body language expert on; see what Koko the Chimp REALLY meant when she was making her Final Four picks!!!! I'm here for the folks!!!! How are we supposed to be white-hot enraged about those Vermont judges letting sex offenders out of jail 30 minutes early if you're not screaming about them, Bill?

Hey jackass, take a look at THIS body language and tell me what's going on. Otherwise, get off the air and give my good good good buddy Sean Hannity an extra hour to explain why freedom in Iraq is more important than my own. Seansy! My guy!

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