Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Hot Chicks

I'm always vaguely surprised whenever a really hot girl is genuinely nice. I don't know why, I've had plenty of girl friends that are hot and very nice, but for some reason one of my glitches is that if you're a hot chick, you're probably not very nice. I'm always surprised if they're religious, if they love their family or if they love dogs. Hot girl walking down the street, new hot girl I've met? I assume all they're about is being hot, so they can be mean/selfish etc. And before the emails come no, I'm not angry at them because they don't fawn all over me even tho I'm an overweight loser and masturbate to farm porn all day. I know I'm not the catch of the day right now. So calm down.

Something I need to work on in 2007, I reckon. Don't automatically think because a girl is hot she must be a heartless bitch. Where does that anger even come from? And succinctness. Could work on that. I never seem to use 10 words if 100 will do. Go on and on. And on.

I take umbrage whenever I'm strolling RRTHUR JR. around (yes ladies, he's THAT beautiful!) and a woman walks by without oohing and cooing a little bit at him. No smile, no "awwwwwww!"???? What kind of bitch are you? Would I wanna be with such a woman? Hell no. Very suspicious.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:21 PM

    "[N]ot the catch of the day right now."

    [i]Right now.[/i] THAT is so cute. Your indefagitable optimism is precious.
