Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Jesus effing Christ

What I’ve been screaming on here since I started this blog. Along with if Jesus came back, are we really supposed to believe he'd hang out with Bush and the Gang? Again, what Bible have I read, cause apparently it's the wrong one - certainly not the one that tells us to give all our money to the rich and completely ignore the poor. How could you NOT think Jesus would be horrified if he came back and saw us? How have we screwed up such a simple message of do good things for those in need? We’re the polar opposite, desperately sprinting to give all to the already fabulously rich ("What's the Matter with Kansas?" for the 9000th time.) Also, I’m fucking pissed my boy Joe has thought of the name “The Blogggfatha” before me (but did NOT coin “analingus.” Sorry.)


  1. i didnt mean it that way. i meant its good to finally hear a candidate mention the dreaded "p" word. #1 reason he's my guy (so far)

  2. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Ah yes, someone has been reading your blog.... "THESE are the people “over here” that are overcome with desperation and anger, THESE are the people that snap. Fucking christ. But no. We must pour billions into “fighting terrorism” while turning our backs on the people we purport to protect. And yes, “Purport to Protect” is my upcoming boy-band name."

    PLease demystify for this reader your need to tack the Effing F word into into Jesus' name every time you get your undies in a bunch... I know you're feelin' it but...Jeeeeez Louise!

  3. Anonymous8:01 PM

    DID TOO.

  4. oh, Joe...in the bidness, we call this "comment-baiting" ;)

  5. as for Anonymous, I dont truck for jesus or believe in the bible, so i dont feel bad cussing with him. Which makes me, unlike the Republican Party which has used him to send the country off the cliff like lemmings while stuffing their coffers, NOT a hypocrite. ta-da!

  6. mostly, it sounds cool. rolls off the fingertips, doesn't it? "fuckin christ!" :)

  7. You know what Jesus REALLY doesn't care about? Who wins the game. I hate when every damn person thanks God after Superbowl/playoffs/WBSL win. I'm guessing there are more important things on the big man's calendar than the frickin' game. Cripes.

    And that term (spelled anilingus, actually) was coined before Godsy was born. C'mon.

  8. Anonymous8:50 PM

    i think they're thankin' God that they weren't killed.

