Friday, March 30, 2007

Rudy, Rudy, Rudy

For comedy reasons, I hope the Rudy campaign lasts as long as possible, cause he’s a joke. As we see, once again, here. Tho if I put on my navy-blue Republican advisor short pants, I implore him to quit now before it gets out of hand, before something absurd happens. Like, for instance, the very day of heroism that is the single reason he is running is negated by those in the trenches that one would imagine would be running through brick walls for him. But no. Wouldn’t this be like the trees being against Smokey the Bear?



  1. Anonymous10:42 AM

    as with the last election, got NO ONE to vote for. its a shame that mccain and guliani are the best the republicans have right now. they could steal this election again. will i vote for either of these guys, no way. would i vote for obama or hillary, nope.

    just waiting for the independent candidates to shake out, i guess

  2. And he's my guy, but I can't imagine Edwards will be able to hang in the race with his wife's cancer. But may I remind you of a candidate with ideas?

  3. Anonymous10:53 AM

    agreed on edwards. i do like that guy, just some really bad luck. the wife health thing is a biggie. even if he did get elected to the white house, don't tell me there wouldn't be a distraction at some point, especially if she takes a turn for the worse.

    he's got no shot.

  4. no obama? already? dag.

  5. Anonymous9:44 AM

    still holdin out hope.
