Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Do I Have to Beg?

Obama. Clumsy at best. Still doesn't realize he's the one candidate that can say "fuck it", run the table and either hit a game-winning walk-off granny in the 7th game of the World Series or completely whiff at the plate - either way, lion hearted. For once can we have a candidate that says hey, unless I have a chance at fucking knocking out this list of shit I care about, I don't care about becoming President. Instead, we get "I demand health care for everyone, pulling outta Iraq and stem cell research....oh, to become Prez I have to bomb abortion clinics, disavow evolution and send more kids into Iraq? You got it! Whatever it takes!!!" Do we even have the "swing away" sign from the 3rd base coach's box anymore? Hey, guess what - you're running for President. You're in the game. Even if you lose, I doubt you'll be collecting aluminum cans after little league softball games for chrissake. You made $991k this year; if you're gonna have your income cut in half you might as well get shit done that means something to you, no? Otherwise, why bother?

Well. Unless you're this guy.

What is it with these people? They think that they'll drop from "Democratic Nominee for President" to "Star Jones' Skin Caddy." Camon.

Obama. Stop with the generic vagueness, the ambiguity, the...whatever else thesaurus.com feeds me. You have people who have never voted before registering just so they can vote for you, you have people who voted for Reagan swinging over to you even without a real reason yet, only because they're begging for a change. People begging for clarity, a reason to believe. Grab it and say "I want a,b,c,x,y,z" and go down swinging. Otherwise, we'll happily settle for Hillary or whatever centrist candidate is sprinting to please everybody and nobody just so they can do absolutely nothing. Hope you'll feel good showing up on Russert's show the rest of your life cranking out books that mean nothing when you could've been the Beatles of American politics - raw excitement that ends up being even better than you ever dreamed possible.

And don't fucking quote Robert Kennedy if you're not going to go to the mat with no guv'ner:

"Whenever any American's life is taken by another American unnecessarily - whether it is done in the name of the law or in the defiance of the law, by one man or a gang, in cold blood or in passion, in an attack of violence or in response to violence - whenever we tear at the fabric of the life which another man has painfully and clumsily woven for himself and his children, the whole nation is degraded....Yet we seemingly tolerate a rising level of violence that ignores our common humanity and our claims to civilization alike. We calmly accept newspaper reports of civilian slaughter in far-off lands. We glorify killing on movie and television screens and call it entertainment. We make it easy for men of all shades of sanity to acquire whatever weapons and ammunition they desire."

1968. Boy, have we changed.


  1. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Agreed. Another platform when it would have been more effective to just be present and sensitive to the families who are grieving. Instead, we go off on these tangents. Here is one:

    Obama's well-meaning words. "That we are still, at some fundamental level still trapped in the same belief that somehow we can impose our wills on each other, that we can differentiate ourselves and make ourselves feel better than one another because of the accidents of birth or race or gender."

    Ironic and cutting, when taken out of context, and applied to the outcome of Roe vs. Wade. Under the protection of law we exercise our rights, and impose our wills on one another at a very fundamental level. One 'accident of birth'executing violence upon the next generation, rarely out of necessity and mostly out of convenience.

    Take me out of context,will ya?

    "We still think about our role in the world and foreign policy as if the children in Darfur are somehow less than children here, so we tolerate violence there."

    As if the children in the womb are somehow less than the children here, so we tolerate the violence THERE. Save the children of Darfur, but fod God's sake Open your eyes!

    "That we base our decisions in terms of sending our young men and women to war, not on the necessity of defending ourselves, but the belief that somehow with military force we can acheive aims that should be acheived through diplomacy... alliances..."

    Packahooey...Aims. What are we aimin' for anyhow?

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  3. Anonymous1:18 PM

    just sayin.
