Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Reverand Al

I'm getting fucking tired of all the (white) people I see bitching and griping whenever Al Sharpton pops up in the news. "Goddammit" they say, so angry, "every time something happens to someone black he goes running over to them." Shaking their heads, furious. Know what? Fuck you. He's one man. Looks like he's the only one offering help sometimes. White people love to stamp their feet and cry about black people doing shit for themselves and not expecting handouts; then the second one black person tries to help another black person, we're incredibly threatened and insist it ain't right. Cause in the end, I guess only white people have the right to help each other out and try for a better place. Yes, you can make a case he preens for the cameras. So did Jesse. So did MLK. Sometimes you have to. But at least he's showing some leadership in the black community, trying to help those whose voices otherwise would not be heard at all. Meanwhile, something happens to a (blonde, good looking) white person, the fucking media cranks into 8th gear, horrified and never relenting til they find out what happened. Black people have Al Sharpton. White people? White people have the president, Congress, the Supreme Court, the entire government, the police, etc etc etc. So fuck you. God forbid Al Sharpton comes to someone's defense when none of us will. Don't pretend to watch or care, just flip back to your Everybody Loves Raymond reruns and let Al worry about it.


  1. You weren't up here for the whole Tawana Brawley nonsense were you? The guy's an ambulance-chasing bum more interested in helping himself than anyone else. How does he help all these people anyway? By being their paid media spokesman? And when was Sharpton elected spokesman for all African-Americans anyway?

  2. i didnt say he's perfect, or even right. but he's somebody. i dont hear black people bitching about him. it's always the white guy flipping through the news, furious a black man is on the screen stumping for black people. this is what pisses me off. Jesus Christ could come back and do what Al does, and the same people would scowl at the tv "every time some niggers in trouble, JC hogs the camera."

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Well, it could be Sharpton's lack of credibility and the fact that the lazy media has made him their go-to guy for all racial matters that people find most objectionable. Imagine if the media turned to William Hung for all things Asian. Sooner or later you're going to get sick of seeing him. It's also a bit condescending that the media focuses on Sharpton rather than finding other voices and other opinions. Have you noticed how obsessed the media has been with whether or not Obama receives Sharpton's and Jackson's blessing? Who cares?! Let him be his own man!

  5. It's not our place to say who's good or not good for the black community." "credibility"? from who? you? me? give me a break.

    like I said, he's one guy. 1. One guy whose opinions we're gee, OVERRUN with re: blacks. Camon. Tis like the right's outrage over Cindy Sheehan protesting the war. We're supposed to be furious that one person, ONE, stands up and says something. Out of 300 million. Like Al, don't like Al, I don't care; but unless the people he's speaking for complain, let him speak.

    and you wanna say the media's lazy, you get zero argument from me. but my whole point are these white people I hear making comments, incredulous someone's speaking up at all. the undercurrent being "know your place and shut up."

  6. I think you're painting with a broad brush. Next time you hear all these white people complaining, why not ask them why they're complaining? They may not give you the answer you expect.

    And I don't think I'm the only one who thinks the guy lost all credibility with the Brawley hoax.
