Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Rich and Beautiful

So, this is how the absurdly rich and beautiful talk/hang out when they're together. "You have nothing to say, I have nothing to say, let's text everyone we know while the cameras pop and then go leak a fuck-tape of ourselves." Had no idea. Doesn't seem as thrilling as I'd thought. Seems a waste. Is this the saddest picture you've ever seen? You're that young, good-looking and rich, at a Lakers game and the best you can come up with is to stare at your fones? I'm old, ugly and poor and within minutes of walking into a bar I have commanded the crowd into performing my own re-write of "Tartuffe." Christ.

and yes, I know THIS picture is actually sadder

But you get my point.

But what a superfan, dressed up in the Lakers' regala!

1 comment:

  1. More proof to my theory that cell phones make people stupid.
