Monday, April 30, 2007

The War, Dating Cats, Neil Young

I saw the other day that 27% of those polled approve of the way Iraq has been handled and how the war is progressing. The tv dude was lamenting how low this number is for Bush; all I can think of is how the fuck is it that HIGH - who the hell are these 27%?? I mean,’re a Bushie mouth-piece on Hardball okay, I know you have to sit there and toe the company line. But a random, anonymous poll in the streets? I find this number astounding. Really – do you know anybody who knows anybody who knows anybody that knows anybody that is dating a cat? Whoops, I mean that actaully thinks this, that the war is going well and has been handled correctly? I’m flummoxed.

Also. I’ve fucking had it with this nonsense re: any public discussion on the war will make the troops over there upset, that they’ll lose their morale and turn from the incredibly brave, freedom-loving righteousness-bearing GI Joes that we like to call them into hamsters in a corner pissing themselves crying because they overheard someone saying that we want to bring them home. Hmm. Not even just dissension, mind you - mere TALKING about it will send the troops into a tizzy. First of all, as much as we’d like to believe that after 14 hours of baking in the sun while picking up exploded body parts and trying not to get shot at by little kids the troops immediately hunker down for a few hours of C-Span, I doubt it. But the point is, if you were stuck in a shitty situation like that, wouldn’t you WANT there to be discussion of 1) should you be there in the first place 2) when you’re getting the fuck out of there? I don’t understand this; do prisoners think like this?

“Yo Mac, your lawyer’s on the phone with the governor. Talking bout gettin you outta this shit.”
”What?? NONONO!! They’re talking about me, my morale! My morale!!!” (sodomizes self, refuses to lift weights for a week.)

Are there really troops over there that dammit, just wish we'd all shut up about it and let them do their thing!! "We'll let you know when we're done, you go back to your lives and families goddammit! Don't MAKE us have to come back and occupy your candy asses!!!"

Of course, the GOP would like you to believe that the troops would be furious/insulted if we ended this nonsense and brought them home; that their sense of duty and knowing what’s right, something we can’t even begin to understand, makes them refuse to come home until the war is “won”; ie about 17,000 years from now. That’s a lot of school plays and Little League games missed. Luckily, Bush et al know this and grant them what they crave: extending their tours of duty. You’re welcome, troops!

I mean, do people really fall for this shit? Unreal. Quit with this nonsense that the troops are crying in the sand cause we’d like them to get out of this fake war they were put in and get on with their lives. So I’m not in love with extending John Q. Public’s tour AGAIN AND AGAIN until he finally gets a leg blown off and can come to Walter Reed and have a rat gnaw on his stump while the righties from the old Congress desperately try to figure out a way to cut his Veteran’s Benefits for a fourth time. I guess that makes me a troop-hating non-Patriot. Yeah. That makes sense.

Also. I can’t fully wrap my head around just how egregiously irresponsible/stupid/childish/offensive/ironic Rudy’s remarks re: the terror that will completely engulf us if a Democrat becomes president. But isn’t this as close to yelling “FIRE!” in a crowded movie theater as someone in his position can come? I’ve touched on the irony of Rudy running on protecting us from terrorism many times here. Why doesn’t he just come out and say “If a Democrat wins the election, I will personally blow us all to shreds”? I mean, camon. No gov’ner!!!!!

On a side note, after about 20 years of people furiously trying to force him on me, I finally have 3 Neil Young songs I like. "Rocking in the Free World", "Helpless" and "After the Garden." Congratulations, Neil. We're all thrilled for you.

1 comment:

  1. If it suddenly all hinges on what the soldiers think and feel, maybe they oughta get out there with the clipboards and take a poll. Wanna come home? Yes/ No

    Maybe someone could send a petition and get it circulated...
