Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Why I Love right-Wing Radio

Sean Hannity, spending the first ten minutes of his show screaming, pleading, writhing on the floor in agony imploring the American people to realize that the Democrats are being complete pussies, that we don't understand how their default to appeasement plays perfectly into the hands of the terrorists who are, and I quote, "about to SWARM into this country and destroy each and every one of us!!!"

Wow. Sounds serious.


"After this first commercial break we'll be back with our guests Oliver North and Charlie Daniels."

Really? Did I mishear that? Oliver North and Charlie Daniels? Such serious times, and we get a guy who's claim to fame is lying about the Iran-Contra affair and another guy who is...Charlie Daniels. Hmm.

I'm telling you guys, get on this. Hysterical stuff. The unintentional comedy is amazing.

"I, solemny swear, that the chicken was in the bread pan pickin out dough..."


  1. I'm still waiting to hear your message on the Hate Hannity line. Do it!

  2. nother thing that bugs me; obviously fake. he loves playing it and marveling at his "outsider", hated status. yet if you listen to the show, EVERY single caller spends their first 30 seconds gushing about what a "great American!" he is. totally bullshit.

  3. I don't think they're fake, but I'm sure the ones that make the cut are those that reflect badly on the callers (most of the guys sound like they're drunk). Of course, the best ones will never be heard (the best one I have heard: "I hope you die in a grease fire!").
