Friday, May 25, 2007

Fried Chicken Friday

No Fried Chicken Friday today. Sorry. Hung over. And apparently if you guzzle a bottle of vodka you become rediculously constipated. Awesome!! Finally, a similarity between me n Elvis. Whoever finds me dead on the bowl, do me a solid (cough) and toss out whatever porn I have in my cold, dead mitts. Ugh.


  1. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Prune Juice makes the going great there Elvis. But be careful. The Sunsweet crowd should put a warning label on their product. I barely make it through half a Murder She Wrote before I gotta blow up the can when I drink a bottle of that stuff. Bukowski would approve as well.

  2. Anonymous5:19 PM

    warm prune juice will move you but you NEED WATER. You are dehydrated and NEED to drink something to flush out that gotdam poison out of your system.
