Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Don't Stop Bereaving (not an Asian joke)

I think the best part of the Sopranos finale will be watching the hipsters on Bedford Ave scurry around trying to out-love each other over Journey. Claiming oh, they always LOVED Journey, aren't they cool now? Or of course claiming my pet peeve, the guilty pleasure. I predict by Thursday I'll spy the first Journey lunchbox on North 7th. Christ.

The funny thing is, and this is something I've been talking about to my friends for years now, is that if "Don't Stop Believing" (or any of those Foreigner/Styx/Air Supply/whomever cuts) came out today, it would be the greatest song in the world. Back then we poo-pooed it for being cheesy and silly, but that was cause there was not only better music out there for the finding, but there was better music that was, like Journey, on heavy rotation on the radio. Nowadays, ugh; have you heard a new song on the radio (I mean "real" FM radio) this year that's better? Probably not. That's another joke that's been played on us - thanks to the amazing suckage of "popular music", "Don't Stop Believing" now sounds like "A Day in the Life." Honestly, have you ever been driving down the highway and it came on and you changed the channel? Nyet. Don't lie to me.

My big "Don't Stop Believing" moment came a few years back when The Barber and I walked into the Nest side by side, almost arm in arm right when the piano intro began. Six 70 year old Korean War vets looking up at us, only shaking their heads to our gayness. Sigh.


  1. Anonymous10:58 AM

    do hipsters even watch sopranos?

  2. yes. well. except the ones who claim to never wath television cause it's not "art" (except, of course, "adult" cartoons and anything with David Cross.)

  3. I still contend that you can apply the lyrics of a Foreigner song to just about any life experience.

  4. Believe it or not, I was blissfully unaware of the Journey oeuvre until I began spending time in Williamsburg. I still don't own any of their music although I did borrow a friend's Greatest Hits cd to rip a couple songs for my ipod just in case someone requested it...in Williamsburg.

  5. it's a shame when revisionist history rules. journey is/was a shitty band with a terrible lead singer and, who woulda guessed, crappy songs (lovn touchin squeezin any body?). if it makes yer stomach all gooey, that's yer friggin problem. it worked w/in context of the episode (much like sister christian in boggie nights) ... and for the record, i've heard dozens of better songs on the radio (which I claim not to listen to) ... and xmasqueen, if you think i'm letting this sopranos battle die w/out you on the floor screaming uncle ... in front of your father, and your new wife

  6. i hafta admit, GIHYB...crying suits you. keep it up!

  7. and maybe you cant trash a band for being "shitty" when "Any Way You Want It" was once a live staple in your own band. cough.

  8. and in years past "rock you like a hurricane" and "feel like makin love" were ... life ain't always a tribute xmasbee, sometimes it's a commute ... yes, you can use that

  9. no, you may keep it to yourself, perhaps for your...im sorry, a blog, is it?

  10. it's more like a purse, where i collect wry observations and makeup samples. i can't find anything in here

  11. so you rock out to "Any Way You Want It" and have a purse. gotcha. youre still welcome here!

  12. and tyrone from backyardigans makes me feel strangely comfy

  13. Anonymous12:57 PM

    GIHYB - In order for someone to have a blog, it needs more than 3 entries per millenium.

    Then again, this blog is getting terminally close to "Marshmallow sandwiches. What is the deal with that?"

    Of course, that's when it is not "How about that Bill O'Reilly? What is the deal with him?"

  14. is Tyrone the one with sickle cell?

  15. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Sickle cell.


    Bringing back the funny.

  16. that's not my blog, it's a place to emulate my hero mo rocca. and i'm sorry, but i don't converse with dead businessmen or jamaicans

  17. Did you ever see the video for Don't Stop Believing. Male cameltoe. You can see it at the bottom here:

    Need I say more?

  18. yes. you can explain why youre on a site called "weirdo wood." for starters.
