Friday, June 22, 2007

If LIfe is a Bowl of Cherries, Why I Got Holes in My Pits?

Someone pointed it out the other day but I didn't really pay attention (why would I - was I talking?), and then just now I realized I have the exact same hole in the left armpit of every t-shirt I have. What the fuck is this? Now let's pause while godihateyourband makes a "quip" re: my armpit funk.....aaaaaaaaaaaaaand...we're back... I've never noticed myself digging in my pits or scratching. And if that could produce such holes, I would not own a pair of pants that covered my crotch. Wtf. A phenomenon indeed.


  1. Do you give yourself a reach-around or a how-do-you-do when you're "punchin the clock"? The extra stretchin could account for the uniform rippage.

  2. Anonymous6:47 PM

    or... Have you been carrying the little man around in your right arm, thus relying on your left arm for all of your manual activities?

    Do you sleep with your left arm up under the pillow? We just never really consider the wear and tear on clothing, incurred by friction with the mattress, while sleeping.

    Maybe get a new tee and monitor that left underarm daily for anything resembling premature wear on the seams.

    PS. Do you notice excessive sweating from the left underarm? If that be the case, consider the Klienert sweat sheild for added protection. If may not save your tee but it will help keep you drier.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I kind of like a tee shirt with holes it it. It's like a guy with scars...tells a story. Though you can't explain yours..that's a conversational piece in itself.

    My dad has a scar on his right thigh that he used to tell us was from a bullet that grazed him in the war. Come to find out later was from the garage door. Nothing to do with your tee shirt mystery.

    just sayin....make somepin up.
