The Catholic Church has been ordered to pay a
$660M settlement for abuse cases? Are you kidding me? Am I dreaming, or did these fuckfaces come within $6M of delivering a verdict worth....$666M? I mean, do these people have NO sense of humor???!! Camon!!!!

loved your take on the catholic church pay out...Here's mine.
That is a helluva lotta payola.
ReplyDeleteI did a double take on that amount too.
Check it out...the Cardinal was whining about how this money could have gone to helping the needy in South America.
(smacks forehead with palm of hand)
I believe that was just for the Greater Los Angeles Area. Billions yet to go. By the time ya'll idolaters get through paying fer homos in frumpy dresses butt-slammin' young boys you could have had a Vatican outpost on Venus.