Like anything else the Prez does these days, it’s hard to even work up the strength to bloviate about his commuting Scooter’s sentence. I mean, did we really not see this coming? Am I supposed to pretend to be surprised that personal, mafia-like loyalty takes precedence over such things as constitutional compliance and national security? Come on. The law simply does not apply to Bush and his friends; this we should be used to by now. If the Democrats in Congress aren’t going to get off their asses and impeach these motherfuckers, there’s no use in pretending the country even cares.
My favorite bit is that he stepped in and said that the sentence was, of course, “excessive.” Which is funny, cause I don’t remember W stepping in to help this guy out. A mystery.
Loyalty over all things. Good ol’ boys looking out for one another, no matter the cost to others. This is, after all, what we asked for in 2004: loyalty over competence. The electorate came from those who voted for Bush out of loyalty (vote him back in cause he’ll take care of me and mine ($$$, that is)) and those in the middle class who were dumb enough to believe that a vote for him would mean that they too could someday BE him. Fools. Anyone who claims to have voted for W in 2004 because of his “strength on the war” et al are, in a word, lying. The American people are stupid, but they can’t be THAT stupid, can they? And now we see yet another feather in their cap of entitlement. Yet another big “fuck you” to the almost 300,000,000 of us who are not in the inner circle. I hope the middle-class dumb fuck in Cedar Rapids who voted for these people is asking himself today “gee…would W step in if I was given a sentence that is “excessive”?...”
And don’t even bother blaming W himself; the sense of entitlement given to him at birth and reinforced by us at the polls is not even his own fault. Do not fool yourself into thinking that if he could run in 2008 he would even lose. Money and entitlement, we have slowly learned, trump all else. Intoxicating to have and, even worse, intoxicating to voters who pull the lever for it again and again. New ideas, true leadership, competence – these things simply do not matter to us. We only care about who has the most money – how else can it be that the last 5000 fucking articles about Obama are nothing but fundraising totals? He’s raised this much, that much, blah blah blah, nothing real. Nothing about the newness and hope he’s supposed to bring. All we wanna hear is who’s raking in the most lettuce. It’s a dangerous place we have put ourselves in, and unless this train gets derailed quickly, be prepared to have thrown away over 200 years of democracy in favor of going complete circle and being ruled by monarchs anointed at birth. This is what we keep asking for, and this is what we will one day get. Unmerited money and entitlement: The American Dream.
Are you saying money and power never won the day before Bush came to office? C'mon Xmastime, you can't be that naive.
ReplyDeleteAND there's my point: the compliance of the people. thank you.
ReplyDeleteAll right, I'm compliant. I don't see you stormin the White House. What do you propose? We overhaul our goverment completely? Do you really think the utopia you envision will happen if everyone woke up and started holding their representative accountable? I don't. I don't have that much faith in other human beings. "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely" and all that.
ReplyDeleteXmastime, sometimes I wonder where exactly you grew up. The fascination with Barack's fundraising is exactly due to his lack of "insiderness." Yet, that is also his biggest detriment. He hasn't even played the political game long enough to have me believe he can get anything done in Washington. Sorry but believing an outsider can mold "the system" to his will is a bit naive at this point. I need not even get into whether I like his "will."
ReplyDeletei believe that was my point re: Obama. for all this talk about hope/ideas etc, since he's a politican running for office he basically says nothing but vagaries. i know as much right now about his plans as i did 6 months ago. yet day after day we're bombarded with articles about his fundraising, as if that really is the most important thing. which, it appears, it is; or we're being taught that. just like how we're always bombarded with how much box office flicks do. dont matter if its good or bad, here's how much dough theyre making. which i touched on here: (#6) apologize for referencing myself? nyet!
ReplyDeleteAnother baby-man hissy fit in service of an infantile ideology.
ReplyDeletePower to the people, man! No blood for oil! Jes' a rich man's game. Justice? How 'bout "Just us."
Xmastime has lost so much weight he's turned into Alex P. Keaton's Dad.
Understand. Xmastime's political nihilism (it's all corrupt; everybody but me is stupid) is more about having a one-size-fits-all ideology that - bonus! - doesn't require you to either know very much or learn very much.
Because, man, it's like, all a fucked, rich man's game anyway.
I deploy a similar philosophy with the women. There's no need for me to be attractive to them or to learn anything about them because, man, it's like, they're all lesbians anyway.
vagary, n., an erratic, unpredictable, or extravagant manifestation, action, or notion. See, caprice.
ReplyDeleteWhile I agree that Xmastime is long on bitching and short on positive proposals, a) he's not running for office; and b) uttering bitter speeches against his outrage is downright depraved. He has the energy and dignity to complain, which is a world apart from the apathy and cynicism of the It's All Shit, Anyway crowd. "Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation."
Go, Xmastime.
why aren't the young people of today storming the white house with pitch forks and torches?
ReplyDeletePlaystation 3.