Thursday, July 05, 2007

I'm Here! I'm Queer!

So this evening I did something I'm pretty sure I've never done before: a dude. I'm kidding - I'm a kidder! No, I went into a health food store and bought...ta da...fruit. Me. I honestly can not remember the last time I bought fruit...who buys fruit? Plus, it was "organic." Which I now realize I don't really have any idea what that means; as far as I can gather it means that once the fruit is born they keep it in a cage so that it can't move around at all, keeping it juicy and tender. But I went for it. Walking around a health food store was dicey too - I kept waiting for the health food police to swarm and escort me out "...ALLLLLright jackass, we can smell the Chicken McNuggets in your pores, we don't want your kind around here..."

"Hahaha!! Remember back when Xmastime used to have these??!"

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