Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Manny Tapes

I’ll tell you what’s great about hanging out with new mothers so much...you get to see titties ALL THE TIME. Especially in the summer. I mean it - in a group of kids, at any given moment a mother is bending over to pick up her kid and HIYOOOOOOOO!!! Nice deep look into the Chestinental Divide. And what’s even better is after a certain point, moms don’t care. Once the kid hits about a year, the mother is used to it and doesn’t give a fuck. “Get a good look? Yeah? Well, I shit out another human, so I guess I still win.”

Also another new trick is strollers....got a hot chick with a fat rack strolling a kid towards you, it’s pretty easy to act like your cooing and oohing at the kid, but guess what you’re looking at?

A whole new world, gents!!!

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