Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Speaking of baseball..........I'm in maybe the gayest softball league of all time. Seriously. After a season of rain outs/etc, our commissioner today released a "here's who's playing whom for the next three weeks" post on the board. Nice n simple, clear cut. But of course one guy has an issue with the schedule, and why?

Because, god forbid, his team has to play at 10. Oh, god. Now, this is also a crybaby who I thought was gonna call the Supreme Court re: playing at 11am. 11am!!!!!!!!!! Now, we all have our issues. I don't like snakes or heights. But for a man of over 30 to stand up and cry that gee whiz, he cant get his ass out of bed and in gear to play a SOFTBALL game before 10am, well, to me, that means you're probably a fucking homo. And no, I don't mean homo as in you like dick. But worse: if I had to pay someone a nickel to beat your ass, I'd prolly save a nickel by just having my sister do it. 38 years old, and you're crying like a freshman about an 8:30 class. Fuck you. You are a fucking pussy. I gotta be honest - I have never been afraid of anyone who was not up before 6am. So before you embarrass yourself some more, remember - you're fucking 38 years old. Quit being a fucking pussy; get your sorry ass out of bed. Period.

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