Monday, July 16, 2007

You Big Dummy!

Was grouchy this morning...depressed. Lost a big game yesterday, then got shitfaced. Miserable. Dragged my ass to the grocery store, immediately got in lockstep with some grey panther who shuffled at 0 mph and had a fucking cast on her foot. No matter what food I wanted to look at, bam! there she was, hovering in front of it. Driving me fucking bananas. Ready to say fuck it, go home and pout all day. Then someone's cell phone started ringing. it possible to NOT be cheered up by the theme to "Sanford & Son"? Unreal...those of us in earshot instantly perked up, and for once you didn't want the person to answer their phone, "let it ring!" you silently yell. Best part is, the dude knew it - let it ring as long as possible before answering. I swear, after he had hung up total strangers started going up to him, excited about his ring. And like a seasoned celeb he was not ruffled or surprised, he just nodded his head and agreed with everyone about how great it was as well all paid our respects. A great moment. Cruddy mood, gone!

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