Friday, August 03, 2007

Barry's Bomb

Why is it a big deal if you happen to be the pitcher that gives up Barry's record-breaking dinger? Yes, you'll be linked in history...would anyone ever know who Al Downing was if he hadn't given up Hank's record breaker? But so what - do they think people are gonna see the film and think "gee, who was THAT pitcher...he must've sucked!!" Hey, you're a big league pitcher, no one's saying you gave up ALL of Barry's homers! Just happened to give up the one. So calm down. You've given up many, many bombs in your career. And seriously, what's the word on my idea for dudes being able to buy fake titties just to have around coming along? Titties on plyboard. Who'd I put on that?

1 comment:

  1. Who cares? A-Rod will break BBs record in a few years anyway.

    Bonds = Bad Karma
