Monday, August 13, 2007

Bulimic? Anorexic? Daddy Never Loved You? Send a Picture to XMASTIME!!!!

Been watching "Beverly Hills 90210." Seriously, can we get through an episode without a ridiculously hot girl having her self-esteem stripped to zero, seeing only her "trouble spots" in the mirror? And where are these women in real life? I'm always hearing about these women, "oh yeah Lisa, she's model-gorgeous, but has no self esteem and is dating a 5'6" dude who is bald and lives on his parents couch. Poor thing." What? Where's my Lisa? Every woman I've ever met is stridently confidant, brazen and full of esteem. Where can I find a woman who is ridiculously hot yet believes she deserves only the dregs of society; LUCKY I am talking to her?!?? Jeez. These women are like the fucking killer bees, I always hear about 'em but they never show up. Camon! Hot chick with no self esteem? Might be even better than my hot disabled chick dream. I just gotta find her (them.)

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