Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Good Lord.

While typing the post below I found myself watching Dawson’s Creek...and by “found myself watching” of course I mean “turned off my cell phone and took out the batteries in the smoke alarm so it won’t dare go off when Pacey tells Dawson about kissing Joey.” And yes, by watching Dawson’s Creek, I may be part of the problem. But a line of dialogue popped up that, even by the amazingly bad standards set by this show, was stunning.

SETTING STAGE: Jack has a gay friend over, which of course his father hates. Jack and his father hate each other and are destined to a lifetime of hatred. Blah blah blah. Jack is ranting to his friend, spewing (no, not THAT kind of spewing!!! gays do other things too, you know!!!!) how much he hates the old man, when gay boy #2 looks up tells him he should let go of his anger. Let it go. Jack is apoplectic, fuck pops!! No let up! To which gay boy says:

“You know, a nice side-effect of letting go of your anger is you don’t have to be angry any more”

REALLY? Hmm. If that’s the SIDE effect, what the fucks the DESIRED affect? "You know, a side effect of of fisting someone is now you have a fist up someone's ass; probably Seacrest's." Do Viagra packages list a side effect of “becoming hard”? Obviously, I wouldn’t need to know...cough...all I still need is a nice, cold toilet bowl and memories of the afternoon bus in 7th grade....Danielle, Danielle, Danielle!

I can’t speak for Owen Wilson, but one thing that can keep someone alive to the next day is th fact that even after repeated viewings, Dawson’s Creek can still stun with one of it’s patented “did...did he just say that?” lines. Sigh.

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