Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Hey, Remember that Track Movie with Ricky Shroeder and Brad Pitt?

Now, watching that flick was torture. But is this REALLY “torture”? I mean, I don’t wanna be heartless here, but…the kid actually did it. Kid ran 40 miles!!! You could ply off my fingernails, clip electrodes to my balls and make me listen to the Doors, my big ass isn’t running 40 miles.

Plus, my Xmas-sense is tingling after reading that the mother is grumbling that she’s not getting enough of a cut from the boys’ winnings – perhaps more of a crime than torture to a woman who had TA-DA!!....tried to sell the boy herself for $15. Hmm.

Let the boy run! Hell, being pushed/slightly tortured with a potential payoff of fame and money seems a lot better than sitting around the house waiting for mom to sell you, no? And hell, in an emergency, if any kid in the world can run away from home, wouldn’t it be this one?

Let the boy run!!

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