Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Hypocrisy, Vol. MMMDCLVII

It’s officially time to stop taking this war seriously, now that apparently there are as many hired guns as US soldiers fighting it (see here and here.) So for all the talk about “America” and “freedom” and “moral duty” blah blah blah, Americans could give a shit about signing up to fight it and, of course, the government isn’t really pushing to make it happen, are they? Nyet. Not exactly post-Pearl Harbor scenes of men lining up for blocks to enlist. We the people have shown we’re not interested in this war by 1) not signing up to fight it and 2) firing a chunk of Congress to get us out. Does Bush listen? No – there’s money to be made for chrissake! And of course the Democrats are too pussy to stand up to this and insist on pulling out. So in typical Bush Admin fashion they have even outsourced of all things war to TA-DA!!!!....corporations. Hmm. That’s a mystery, innit? It’s as if this whole thing was created to make the same 7 people even richer…but that can’t be, right?

“This is not the coalition of the willing. It's the coalition of the billing."

I can’t recall the movie, but there’s some scene where one guy says to another “You know what they call a leader with no followers? Just a guy going for a walk.” (or was it The West Wing???) This war has officially become the birthday party wherein you hafta pay strangers to come cause you have no friends. Kinda sad. So let’s stop pretending to wave the flag, I don’t wanna hear anymore anecdotal emotional bleating about the troops et al. I don’t wanna hear about freedom or democracy blah blah blah….this “war” is quite simply an exercise to make corporations even richer, and you’re a sucker if you make this “war” any more important than any other issue that means anything to you. People are dying because we’ve let ourselves become vulnerable to plays on our emotions - if we’re going to have our Presidents playing pretend-war with people like they’re little plastic green men, at least force him/her to give us something on the other end (civil rights, healthcare et al) while they’re in the play-room gleefully clapping “boom! Boom!”

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