Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Oops, fuck it.

This, to me, is a huge part of why America sucks more and more by the second. We allow celebrity magazines and celeb gossip to rule our lives so much that we actually feel it's our right to have private documents opened to us. It's scary enuff that idiots like you or me might fall into this - but the fucking courts? Are you kidding me? Beyond disgraceful; another newsclip for people in other countries to shake their hands at what idiots we've become. Nobody more than me would like to hear accounts of Britney mixing jello with her titties while yelling at her kids - but for the courts to turn over such info? It's an embarrassment. Are we only months away from the Supreme Court having it's own reality show on MTV? Has celebrity gossip officially trumped one of the branches of our fucking government? Why not have the papparrazzi vote along with Congress from now on?

Why not insist that we can look at celebrities bank accounts? Their medical records? We hide behind this "oh, they're public figures, its okay" nonsense because we are simply gossip hounds. I jerk off to Brit in InTouch, so I should know her childrens' school adrress. I think Dennis Miller, back when he was almost funny, said it best when he said we have turned into a nation of Gladys Kravitz.'

But then again, I guess it makes a bit of sense, our feeling we have a right to be privy to such things when we ourselves have rolled over and had our bellies scratched so easily when the Administration has repeatedly insisted on over-reaching it's wiretapping policies on us. We've become so numb and dumb to giving away our own civil liberties, why WOULDN'T we feel perfectly in line with being allowed to crack open a celeb's court documents? Apparently civil rights don't apply if the court deems the facts to be "juicy." And, of course, that's okay by us cause we insist on being fucking idiots.

1 comment:

  1. oy vey! Have a drink Xmastime.
    I'm telling you...chick lit is taking over.
