Thursday, August 02, 2007

Paddy Mac - Tough Guy!!!

And I thought it was impossible to pull off the "sunglasses in the grocery cart" look (and you know I've tried.) Cool points to Paddy Mac for waving at me to "get the fuck outta my light, wide-load."

"And STAY the fuck down, beeeyyyyyyyotch!!!!" This is what happens to you when you touch one of Paddy Mac's taquitos from 7-11. I don't remember the rest of that day.

"Yeah? well I tell you what, how bout I get there when I fucking get there, bitch!!"

"I...I...I...yes dear....yes dear....but -...yes dear.....I'm sorry...yes dear..."

Paddy Mac shows Xmastime's brother where Xmastime will be staying when he visits. "And tell that motherfucker not to touch my Southern Livings!!"

This is how Wilson boys dance. Close, feet off the ground and....with each other.

EASY fellahs!!!...who slipped a roofie in Paddy Mac's sippy cup?!!?!!

"...insert elbow pipe into groove...check...caulk it...can't I hire a Mexican to do this shit? what the fuck?"

"Well, let's see...there was that one in the sandbox, hit that....nother one at play group, but she's a bit of a slut...."

"Say it one more time, asshole...I will hop outta this Graco2900x and punch you in the fucking brain. I swear to christ."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:40 PM

    You talk like that around Paddy McDougal? Good. Just what he needs in a GODFATHER. Good Lord I hope not.
