Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Teenage Wasteland

Everybody wants to jump on this little girl (pun intended! I wanna hit that, I'm H O R N Y!!!!!!) for being, apparently, a bit of an idiot. Fair enough; I'm fairly sure I could spout about 2000 words here about what fucking idiots we Americans have become. Fatter and dumber by the second with no sense of place in the world other than "We're #1!!" Well, and we all know that "these colors don't run." But I'm a little weirded out we're watching this in the first place. I remember a few days ago the headlines and airwaves were plastered with that MONSTER guy Couey who had fucked with, raped and then killed some 9 year old girl. And just like anytime we hear about adults fucking with kids we act horrified, outraged, and O'Reilly screams at judges in Vermont for about an hour. But on the very day the Couey verdict comes in, later on that night I'm flipping around on the tube and on NBC, in prime time for ka-zillions of viewers, is the Miss Teen USA Pageant. Huh? We're so outraged at pedophilia, except in the case of that show where they trap dudes which has become a comical farce, but then we butter up the popcorn, hunker down on the couch and ogle teenage girls prancing around a stage on national tv in god knows what. Hypocritical to me. If you're gonna air teen beauty pageants, you don't get to spend one second of air time acting horrified at some sicko who goes after young girls. Maybe you're a small part of the problem, you perverted fucks.

BTW - Anyone know when this chick's gonna be 18?

1 comment:

  1. Ironically, or perhaps typically, she came in third. orange-polka-dot-bikini did a bang-up job pulling up the rear.
