Thursday, August 02, 2007

Yes, I Can See How Tuff Your Life is. Douchebag.

Selig, who said last night's was the eighth game he has attended in Bonds' chase, added that the travel "has been a tough experience, I don't mind telling you."

Yes. I'm sure being flown around in private jets every coupla days to sit in an air-conditioned owners box with Grey Goose coming outta the taps to watch BASEBALL GAMES is about as bad as it gets.

Fucking douchebag.

And to show people how beyond ridiculous the NY media is when it comes to A-Rod, check it. The Yankees have the best record since the break. A-Rod is having a season for the ages that we're lucky to be watching and on top of that is poised to become the youngest dude ever to hit 500 dingers. Yankees win 8-1 last night. Whats the back page of the Daily News?



1 comment:

  1. u see the very put-out herr glavine after the mets bullpen blew what couldve been dudes 300th win? disgraceful. must be damn hard flyin with the kids during summer break from town to town.

    if i were mota, id whup her ass.
