Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Blacks are Normal?!?!?!?!!!!!!

Everybody's talking about Bill O'Reilly's idiotic statements from a few days ago re: Sylvia's restaurant being normal even tho it's run by black people. Everyone's a-flutter, and rightfully so. I'm not going overboard on it; I think dumbass somoehow THOUGHT he was saying nice things and just said them in a way that came out stupid. Well, and racist. And in a SLIM SLIM SLIM defense of O'Reilly, the other idiots on radio (Rush/Hannity/Savage) make him seem rational/sane. But anyways, I happened to be listening when he made the comments and I gotta say, the one thing he said that really jumped out at me was when he said that everybody up there are "fans of the Factor." Really? Black people up in Harlem all tune in to Bill O'Reilly? Am I...crazy to think that MIGHT not be accurate? What's next, Turkeys loving Thanksgiving?

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