Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Britney Xmastime

What’s there to say about Britney’s VMA performance that hasn’t already been said?

Oh, yeah: she’s STILL my #1, and if you people don’t like it you can eat a bag of dicks!!!

Oh, BOO HOO, everybody’s crying about her “performance.” Who gives a shit? When has anyone ever cared about whether or not she can sing and dance? After I slip a girl a roofie and club her like a baby seal to get her into my boudoir, do I make her perform the final scene in Flashdance? Hell no! She’s wearing the breakway leather drawers that Britney’s always showing up in, guess what? We’re FUCKING!!! Hey, she showed up, looked pretty good in some what I guess is underwear. I can hear the millions of fat women across the country shaking their heads, hitting their fat girlfriends up on their cellies “oooooooh GIRL Britney was TERR-i-ble!!” glee dripping from their mouth and into their deep-fried chocolate covered cherry baby éclairs. Fuck yeeeeeew, fatty! Britney looked good, is only gonna look better and by late fall will have all you motherfuckers eating it.

Say this about Xmastime: he is loyal to his fuck-ladies.


  1. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Glad to hear you're still into Britney, cause now that her career is officially over she will have more time for you. In return, maybe you could get her to quit filling her baby bottles with Mountain Dew and put some fucking drawers on under that slutty dress. However, this being America, second acts are always possible, and if she's VERY LUCKY and QUITS FUCKING UP IN EMBARRASSING PUBLIC WAYS she may get another shot in show business. I remember seeing a trailer for "Silkwood" back in 1983 and the audience laughed when Cher was introduced after Meryl Streep. Cher won an Oscar and no one laughed anymore. Movies and hit records followed. Britney Xmastime as the wacky neighbor on a sitcom within 10 years? Only if she's VERY LUCKY and QUITS FUCKING UP IN EMBARRASSING PUBLIC WAYS. Call her up.

  2. Anonymous5:47 PM

    This should give you some further comfort, Xmastime.

