Monday, September 24, 2007

High School Football

It occured to me the other night outta the blue that none of the people I know in NYC played high school football. I can't think of anybody. And I don't mean friends FROM here, where high school football is a bit strangely put togther; I mean people from all parts of the country. And some of these guys were and are really good athletes and played and starred in other sports, it's not like they're burned-out D & D survivors. But not football. I couldn't have imagined that when I was a young bronckin buck. When I was coming up if you were one of the better athletes, you played football.

Anyways. Slightly shocking to me, this realization. Maybe someone can remind me if I'm forgetting anyone.


  1. Anonymous11:37 AM

    uh... i played in 9th grade... but i don't live in new york. so i guess that doesn't count.

    actually i quit during the 9th grade season cuz i got into guitars/music/girls. the whole running around thing didn't seem quite as appealing anymore.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Football tended to attract the real dumb jock types where I grew up. Even back then I had enough sense not to want to associate with that element. Even the coaches seemed dumber than baseball and basketball coaches.

    Maybe because you grew up in the South it was harder to make this distinction.
