Thursday, September 27, 2007

Hillary's Unnecessary Bullshit

Several times she refused to give answers, but she couldn't duck when Russert threw her a curveball, asking if she would back the Yankees or Chicago Cubs, her childhood home team, if they met in the World Series. So she waffled.
"Well, I would probably have to alternate sides," she said.

Now it’s this shit that drives me fucking bananas. How can someone so smart be so over-calculating, SO over-analytical that they can’t even pander correctly? Does she actually think that by actually having a favorite team, she will alienate the other fans and thereby lose their votes? Are you shitting me? She can’t be so blind as to not realize that the number of votes she loses because of that is a tiny fraction of those lost when people hear this shit and just shake their heads at her sheer disingenuousness. Jesus christ. Pick a fucking team! It's okay!! Fucking unnecessary nonsense.

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