Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I'll Say This: They Never Cease to Astound

After being told repeatedly that “we’re fighting them there so we dont fight them here”, “we’re fighting them there so they dont follow us home,” the pounding of Bush’s chest cause there hasn’t been another 9/11 on his watch, etc etc etc, we now see that Bush’s monkey sock puppet General Petraeus has not even bothered to ask himself if America is safer thanks to the Iraq War. His answer to Warner’s question is astounding. Not even “yes” or “no”, but rather “I have not sat down and sorted in my own mind." Really? How could anyone have spent ANY time in his position and not think “Okay, is this making America safer? Is this in America’s best interest?” No. Petraeus has given what is, to me, the single worst, yet completely emblematic of this administration, answer possible: “I don’t know, and I can’t be bothered to care.” Which was these people’s answer to where’s Osama? And their answer to so whats the plan in Iraq after we take out Saddam? And their answer to why not properly equip the troops you’re sending over there? And their answer to why didn’t you actually listen to the proper intelligence when planning this war? And their answer to why did you lie to us about the weapons of mass destruction?

And on.
And on.
And on.

It’s fairly amazing – for the last 6 years we’ve been bullhorned every day with reminders of how this pretend war is the single most important thing that will ever happen in our lives. No amount of money is too much, no loss of life and limb too dear a price to pay. But every time these people are pressed for an answer, it’s pretty much always the same:

“I don’t know, and I can’t be bothered to care.”

Happy 9/11.

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