Monday, September 17, 2007

Shut the Fuck Up Vol. MCCIV

Can we all stop pretending to be horrified at what a “bad parent” Britney is? For fuck’s sake, bashing Britney’s parenting skills has become the “Calling Kathie Lee Gifford the Devil” of the 00’s. Everybody LOOOOOOVES to act horrified/chagrined at what a terrible parent she is. I guess every other parent in the world is amazing. Hey, maybe she’s not a good mother, maybe she is, I don’t know. But I do know those kids will want for nothing, be it food/clothes/houses with pools etc. They will go to the finest schools and have every opportunity possible. Yes, maybe they will become crack dealers because their mother was off touring all the time. Who knows. But if you wanna cry and stamp your feet at a child’s welfare, quit being a hypocrite acting like you wanna “save” Britney’s kids. Fucking hell. There’s hundreds of thousands, or millions even, of kids that are starving/homeless et al. If you wanna show off what an AMAZING, concerned person you are and worry about some children, worry about them. Otherwise, put down your fucking InTouch magazine and shut the fuck up.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:34 PM

    she gwon looz dem chillins is she don't waaaz up Essmastam.
