Friday, September 28, 2007

Wasting His Chance?

Like this reader on Sullivan, "Underwhelmed” is pretty much how I’ve felt every time Obama has opened his mouth in the last six months. I know it’s still (kinda) early, I know we might be expecting too much of him; but the fact is there are tons of thirsty people looking for any reason to let him be the well. I wrote here a while back that he is the only candidate capable of hitting a home run here, and it appears he is blowing it by offering speech after speech of general clichéd vagueness instead. A lot of nothing. My feeling is not only does he HAVE to be sensational to win the Presidency, he’s the only candidate who CAN be sensational and win. Treading water or simply not fucking up does not help him. Here’s hoping he wakes up to this fact before it’s too late.

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