Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Fall of the House of Usher

There is no movie scarier than The Omen (the original, obviously.) The score alone sends me sprinting around turning on every light in the house shrieking "lord jesus, jesus lord save me jesus!!!" while my eyes roll in the back of my head. No, wait - that's when I walk up to the Pizza Hut buffet for the first time. My other horror slices are Jaws, The Shining and The Amityville Horror. I've always wanted to watch Nesferatu, since I know that would make me shit myself. Maybe next year.

I see that at 4 o 'clock today Roger Corman's The Fall of the House of Usher is coming on - both the short story and movie are Xmastime slices o'slices. But I remember coming home from church one time, I reckon near Halloween, and my brother, father and I landed on some random made for tv version. I believe it was 1982, which would make ten years old.

I have never, ever been so scared in my life - while watching I literally BEGGED my dad and brother to turn the channel - even offering them money!! Gee, what good times...apparently I had disposable income to throw around. I mean, I was terrified. And I couldn't leave - no WAY I was gonna go be by myself. Way too terrified. And mind you, this was at about one o'clock in the afternoon. Broad daylight.

I remember going to bed later on and I was literally shaking so badly my brother yelled at me cause I was shaking the whole bunkbed. Wow. Unreal. Would love to track down a copy of this flick. I'm sure now it's prolly laughable now, but jesus I was terrified.


  1. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I remember that made for TV version. I probably watched it that afternoon at my house. Sceered me too - there is no shame in it.

  2. shaking the whole bunkbed...that's cute.

    That one Hitchcock scene with the binoculars which were rigged with nails almost ended my career as a bird watcher. Almost.
