Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Though I don’t have my autumn pullover rotation set up like The Rambler, enough with this fucking heat. Fucking miserable. Fucking 11:00pm here in Brooklyn and it is 80 fucking degrees. Miserable. I know we had a mild summer, but fucking enough!!! 100-degree days in July I hate but at least then I hafta grudgingly accept well, it IS summer. But October 8? Are you fucking kidding me? Fan right on me is doing nothing; drenched in sweat and my hair is doing that frizzy-needles-pricking-my-head-cause-it’s-so-fucking-muggy thing. Christ. I’TS FUCKING FALL FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Time for cool, crisp air. I can’t even think about football yet cause it’s so hot, and we’re over a third of the way through the season for fuck’s sake. Miserable. Fuck this shit.

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