Tuesday, October 16, 2007

John Cougar Xmascamp

While running this Evanescence crap through my mind, all of a sudden it shot through my head: what the hell happened to Cougar from Top Gun? After all, he was THE best before blinking and giving up his top spot at the Academy and the #1 shot at Kelly McWitness; are we to believe he went back to Timfuckthree, KS and has been gluing glitter to sweatshirts ever since? No way. So I started thinking of other characters like that from movies, seemingly tiny, fleeting characters from flicks that actually did tilt a main character in one direction or another, never to be seen or heard from again. So of course my mind leapt to the scenario of Cougar hooking up with Clint from Dazed and Confused, maybe starting some sort of small airline with Clint as the mechanic and Cougar as the pilot, a la "Wings" - one of the thieving hookers from Dutch as the gun-smacking lunch counter gal they fight over? I started laughing before it hit me HEY DUMBFUCK!!! To hang out with Clint, Cougar would hafta GO BACK IN TIME - Clint was from the 70's, you fucking idiot!!!

Christ. If I wasn't already selling schoolboy semen online for tallboy money I'd be fucking embarrassed at that shit. Man.

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