Monday, October 15, 2007

The Manny Tapes

I find them interesting, these motherfuckers on the train, always giving the stinkeye to me whenever I'm with the boy and he's being a lil chirpy. I get the raised eyebrow "thanks for ruining my ride, I'm trying to read my New Yorker" look. Just cause the kid's yapping, it's not like he's screaming and crying. Meanwhile, a group of black kids get on the train and run around screaming "yo fuck niggahniggahniggah fuck you fuckfuck fuck fuck niggah fuck niggah!!" and Doucehbag doesn't even raise his head at these guys. Hmm. A mystery.

"Hahahaha! whaddya know, for ONCE Xmastime isn't the biggest pussy in the room!!!"

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