Tuesday, November 20, 2007

$20 Billion Fucking Dollars

(Wired article via andrew Sullivan)


Even if you are for the war and love Bush, I don't possibly see how you could read something like the article linked above (sorry, computer's whack youll hafta cut-n-paste this one) and not go ape-shit. Hell, ESPECIALLY if you are a "conservative" and this is where money that could be yours is going. $20B, and for all we know it's going right into the hands of Bin Laden. Why not? We don't know any different right now. Unreal. $20B. $20B to disappear into the hands of mysterious foreigners, yet we have no idea how to get our hands on money for healthcare. $20B thrown into a black hole, and we just don't have any idea where to get money to pay teachers. $20B given for all we know to an al-Queda flight simulator company, and gosh, we just can't figure out how to fix Social Security. $20B, and the only thing we know is it's not in American hands. Blackhawk and Halliburton must be slipping to let this wad slip through the cracks. What a load of bullshit. But, it's shit like this that we shrug our shoulders at as we pay $4 for a gallon of gas while desperately trying to figure out a way to elect Bush for a third time. $20B into the hands of god knows who, and I'm supposed to be worried about Mexicans coming across the border? Fuck, maybe one of them can figure out where all the fucking money has gone. But as usual, we'll save our outrage for $400 haircuts and implied sex in airport bathrooms. I guess "and the home of the brave" is SOOOOO 1999.


  1. rome wasn't bilked in a day

  2. now does that include illegal drug money? What about interest paid on loans from other countries? Do Hell's Angels really run NYC?
