Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Alternate Theories

Another funny thing I picked up from the NOVA show was these people that insist on an “alternative” to evolution being taught in the first place, alongside evolution. “Hey,” they say “it’s not the LAW of evolution, it’s the THEORY of evolution!” Patting themselves on the back, having of course no idea of what the word “theory” means to real scientists. They allow evolution to be taught as long as an alternative is also taught alongside it. But why stop at evolution? I can’t wait to have a kid so I can show up at a school board meeting horrified that the theory of gravity is being taught as fact. I’ll say “whoa whoa whoa…I don’t mind gravity being taught, as long as an alternative is taught alongside it!” The alternative will be of course that we stay attached to the Earth because before we appear we are licked by the Intelligent Agent with a special, sticky subtance. Just a theory!! Must be taught in school!!!

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