Thursday, November 08, 2007

Coupla Things I'm thinking about Right Now

1) I’m already exhausted from this presidential election. Drained, and a year to go. I don’t even care who wins anymore, just get it over with. Beyond a soap opera. Hitler gets voted in tomorrow, great, let’s move on. Let’s go.

2) I heard a great saying the other day I’m gonna try to use before the week is out: “it aint no fun when the rabbit got the gun.”

3) I love Bruce. You know this. But the doc on the making of Born to Run drives me insane. We get it – there was a lot of pressure to hit a home run, and Bruce was obsessively single-minded/determined to make it perfect. Do we need this repeated over and over for two hours? Fucking Christ. Tell me something about the songs themselves, the recordings themselves. Stories. Anecdotes. Tricks, anything. I don’t need two hours of the same 8 people shaking their heads over and over again “Bruce really was determined! It was amazing!” I GET IT!!! He worked really, really hard on the album!!! Thank you, everybody!!!

4) Writer’s strike has begun I see. Anyone else vaguely surprised there are still shows on tv that have writers? Really? Hmm.

5) So Dog the Bounty Hunter’s the newest celeb to get in trouble for using the N-word. But then this morning I read this:
So, in penance, Chapman said, he went to George Washington's home in Mount Vernon and saw the unmarked hill where Washington's 300 slaves are buried. Now, he says, he's "making a deal" to be buried there himself.
I gotta admit. Though it’s completely whack, whoever came up with this idea seems kinda brilliant. If…misguided. Who even knew about him having buried 300 slaves there? And then to think of it during such a time as this. Did Dog come up with it? Outta the box Iidea, for sure. Shame he’ll always be remembered solely as “some guy that said n---er.” Ah well. Hey, who's buried more black people - George Washington, or George Bush? (Katrina - STILL funny!!!!)

1 comment:

  1. 3) i'd like to see the doc on the wild the innocent where he's screwin around eatin chocolate cake & wearin a 'don't sweat it' wifebeater

    5) that's gotta be the funniest family ever ("wait a sec, if i get this on tape ..."). imagine the run on the enquirer if every EHS student whose dad used the n-word rose up
